Whether you’re a fan of Disney’s The Little Mermaid, a plant mum, or just missing the seaside – mermaid tail succulents will add some much-needed fantasy into your home.

Mermaid tail succulents go by the name “crested senecio vitalis” and look like a cross between a cactus and a succulent. The dreamy fantail plant is mother nature’s mutation of senecio vitalis or “narrow-leaf chalkstick succulents”, which is native to the eastern cape of South Africa. According to Gardenia, this succulent variation grows in the winter and is summer dormant, while thriving in rock gardens, sandy soil, and being very low-maintenance.

Because mermaid tail succulents are a natural mutation, they are not man-made and are becoming increasingly difficult to find. But, if you fancy trying your luck, then Etsy is a good shout for starting your search.

Ahead, a closer look at this dreamy plant.

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