Aside from the imminent influx of chocolate treats we’re all about to gorge on over the Easter weekend, and the newly-released Easter Colin the Caterpillar cake for good measure, let’s not forget the broad selection of hot cross buns that have hit supermarket shelves ahead of the bank holiday weekend. While there is still plenty of choice when it comes to the OG hot cross bun, the UK’s biggest supermarkets are catering to every kind of taste with their weird and wacky hot cross bun offerings.

The traditional baked goods, which usually see a spiced sweet bun being studded with dried fruit like raisins, sultanas, currents, and mixed peel, have reigned supreme over the Easter holidays to symbolise Jesus being crucified on the cross on Good Friday. But in recent years, retailers have got experimental with their flavours. There are now salty, sweet, and even a mix of both in hot cross bun twists. But the excess of options can leave even the most decisive people scratching their heads at which to scoop up.

That’s where I come in. This year, I’ve decided to help you out and try all of the supermarket’s weirdest hot cross bun flavours so that you don’t have to (you’re welcome!) While you might think that eating 9 different flavours of hot cross buns would cause anyone to feel a little queasy, the sheer variation in flavours from Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Aldi, Lidl, M&S, Waitrose, Morrisons, and even Fortnum & Mason, the royal supermarket of choice, has meant that I’m surprisingly still not sick of them. If you do overindulge, then there are many creative ways to use up your leftover buns, why not try our hot cross bun bread and butter pudding recipe, for a start? So read ahead to find out my hot cross bun review, and be sure to pick up a pack (or two!) in store. Spoiler alert: some are deliciously moreish.

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