When the POPSUGAR UK team got onto the topic of light-up candles in a recent meeting, it went a little like this:

“Omg, light-up candles, they’re the best thing ever.”
*PS social content producer Chloe runs out of camera view* “I’m a collector” *proudly holds candle up to the camera*.
“These candles BRING ME LIFE.”
“They’re stunning, so pretty, I give them to everyone for presents.”
“Why just have a candle when you can have a LIGHT-UP CANDLE?”

Nothing has quite excited us more. Maybe it’s the sheltered life we’ve all led as a result of the pandemic or maybe it’s just that they really are that special. Either way, light-up candles encompass everything the festive season should: cosy, magical, a little bit tacky, and capable of evoking childlike excitement.

If you’re new to light-up candles, allow your mind to be blown by a selection of our favourites ahead. If you’re already an avid fan, enjoy adding these picks to your ever-growing collection. We fully support more candle purchases – especially if they light up.

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